Sunday, July 25, 2010

Blogs v's Wikis

The word ‘blog’ comes from two words: web; log. There are various definitions and analogies on the internet for a ‘blog’ however the Macquarie Dictionary (2006) defines ‘blog’ as 1. A record of items of interest found on the internet, edited and published as a website with comments and links. 2. A personal diary published on the internet.

The Macquarie Dictionary (2006) defines ‘wiki’ as “a website in which the contents are contributed and edited by visitors to the site. (from the name of the original site, WikiWikiWeb, created by Ward Cunningham in 1995, derived from Hawaiian wiki wiki meaning quick).”

Again, I am very new to blogs and blogging, and although I have viewed ‘professional’ blogs by academics and others on the internet, I do not subscribe to or follow any blogs; this is the first time that I have created a blog. I first became aware of the ‘wave of interest’ that a blog can create in the movie “Julie and Julia”. Where the character Julie creates a blog to document her journey of cooking recipes from a cookbook by the author Julia Childs. The movie is actually based on two true stories of how a ‘blog’ changed the life of the blogger Julie Powell. The actual real life blog (warning: it contains obscene language) can be found at
This is the blog that the movie was based on. I wonder if anyone will view our academic blogs in the same fashion? Want to learn more? Here is a link to a youtube clip which explains blogs:

So, what is a blog? A blog is basically an online sequence of entries similar to a diary that one person creates and modifies for the information of others. Other people can follow the blog, and create comments to each or all entries.

I have to admit that I am very new to wiki’s. I have not even viewed a wiki, but have heard about them. I watched with interest the youtube clip:
which easily translates what a wiki is, how to use one, and identifies how to create one.
The most famous wiki is obviously the Wikipedia

Wiki’s are a form of blog that can be edited and changed, in fact that is their main purpose to be a form of blog or a ‘mind map of lists’ that can be added to or changed or modified by anyone who has access to them.

A wiki is different to a blog because a blog is generally one person contributing to and maintaining entries; however a wiki can be changed or modified by anyone. A blog works in reverse sequence with the latest entries being the ones that appear first.


  • Reaches anyone with access to World Wide Web.
  • Can be created and maintained by an individual for personal interests or a professional for business interests.
  • Entries cannot be changed by anyone.
  • Easy to create.
  • Can be modified or used for any individual purpose.
  • A useful learning tool for students to maintain records during investigations or for personal reporting.
  • A useful tool for sharing of information to masses across the world. E.g. family or business associates.


  • Useful tool for business or personal use where one central area is required for sharing of information.
  • Provides an area or forum for online mind map or sharing of thoughts ideas.
  • Uses in personal or business areas.
  • Reaches anyone with access to World Wide Web.
  • A useful learning tool where students can share ideas when they are thought of.
  • Modifications can be made immediately by anyone and all users are aware of changes.


  • Can be time consuming creating entries and adding information.
  • Can be time consuming reading and commenting on others blogs.
  • Obscene language is not edited in personal blogs and may be inappropriate for younger students/children.


  • Can be time consuming creating entries and changing information.
  • Anyone can make changes to information, unless it has security.
  • Contributors may prefer to discuss information first before adding contribution e.g. a teleconference or web conference.
  • Does not allow contributors to brain storm by bouncing ideas verbally through discussion.


  • Excellent sharing tool for group activities in class where records and observations can be kept and comments made by others can be recorded.
  • Excellent incentive for students to improve quality of work to a standard where it is suitable for contribution to ‘blog’ either class, school, project or personal.
  • I have started a ‘project room’ for students working in the school special education area where they write up their journal entries each day. They then get to look at each others and comment. Others in the school, including their class teacher will also have the opportunity to comment. By knowing that their work will be ‘published’ and ‘read’ by others the students have already raised the standard of their daily efforts in their contributions to work which will be put in their blog.


  • An excellent idea which may fit best for students in high school or higher education to undertake the responsibility of adding to the wiki’s, if it is for learning purposes.
  • Primary aged students may find wiki’s useful in a K-W-L format where the teacher is the moderator to the contributions and modifications.
  • May be useful when brainstorming ideas for projects.
  • In the area where I currently work, I cannot forsee me using a wiki with the students, however because it is a ‘list’ style of recording, it may be of interest to students who enjoy creating and maintaining lists. This is apparently evident in some students with Aspergers or Autism Spectrum Disorder.


The Macquarie Concise Dictionary (4th ed.) (2006), MacquarieUniversity, NSW: TheMacquarieLibraryPtyLtd

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