Saturday, July 17, 2010

Concept Mapping for Learning

Hello, here is my version of my mind map for Week One. The link to the website is: . I think mind maps are fantastic and was first introduced to them two years ago at the start of study at CQU.
Plus: The mindmap is an excellent tool for learners of all learning styles as it can be visual, physical, done by a group, or a single person, it is adaptable to any task and it has immeasurable links and can always be expanded or made into another mindmap. It is also called a concept map. It is easy to read and follow.
Minus: I enjoy the physicality of writing things down and drawing arrows and making little notes beside what I have written. I can do this on paper on a mindmap but it is a challenge using the bubbl program.
Improve Interesting Implement: I think the program will only get better as time goes on, and it is only a digital version of what we can already do. It is interesting as it eliminates anomalies like a persons scribbly handwriting. It enlarges as you add things to the limbs. I would definately use this program with students as an extension of writing up the mindmap on the IWB or whiteboard. I would particularly use it for students who have difficulty writing stories and making sentences. This could be done with individuals or as a group or class exercise. The students could print out a copy and have it at their desk or online and refer to it when writing. Its uses are unlimited and this is just one example. In most of my LEP's so far, I use mindmaps as a way of establishing prior knowledge of my students.


  1. Hi Wendy, I have to agree with you. Concept Maps are great to use for anything and anyone to use (Catering for many learning styles).

    Because you and many others like to jot down ideas and little notes perhaps if a printer is accessible you could print the map off after and jot down any additional ideas then afterwards (A3 paper if it needs to be bigger).

    This also would be a good practice in the classroom, students might print the map off and glue it into their books and come back throughout the learning journey and add their new or changing thoughts and ideas. :)

  2. Hello again Wendy,

    Just a little suggestion i thought might enhance your wonderful, growing and insightful blog. Your blog heading/title is white and your background is white. It makes it really hard to read your heading :) You can edit the font colours in the design options :)

  3. Hey Great Eva thanks. Yes, I was wondering about that...It is good to get the feedback.
