Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thinking Strategy

A requirement of this blog is to analyse elearning tool/methodology, specifically the active learning and ICT learning design frameworks. Part of the analysis is to identify how to apply these to the learning environment where I am currently attached. As I work in a Primary School, and work with special needs students, but specifically with hearing impaired, I will try to give my followers my best opinions. To do this successfully, I will try to outline the frameworks using one of the 'Thinking Strategies' of Eric Frangenheim ( namely PMI (Plus Minus Interesting). Further details of this strategy can be found in Eric's book "Reflections on Classroom Thinking Strategies". Similar to de Bono's six thinking hats, ( which most people are familiar with, Frangenheim's strategy is a tool that I find is effective for me to quickly form thinking patterns to form initial opinions as it looks at the plus, the negative and how to improve aspects of a topic. Further to the improve, one can add interesting and in this instance I will add implement, as I intend to state my thinking around where to implement the frameworks into the lesson plans, and curriculums that I will be teaching. So my thinking strategy is really a PMIII. Plus Minus Improve Interesting Implement, based on Frangenheims PMI.

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