Sunday, July 25, 2010

How Is It Going? Is there anyone out there?

Is anyone else finding frustration with the fact that you can't write something up in Word, and then copy and paste it into a New Post? OR Can you actually do this, and I am doing it wrong?

Please, please, please let me know...


  1. Hi Wendy,

    I write up my blogs in word as well as refernce in word and then copy an paste it into my new blog. I don't so anything different but right clip select copy and then paste. Not sure why your having trouble. Hope you work it out :)

  2. Hi Eva,
    Thanks, yes that what I am doing too. Maybe I just have to keep trying....

  3. Hi Wendy,
    I had this problem when I started as well. If you click on the 'settings' tab and go to the 'global settings' section, at the bottom of the page, you can switch to the updated editor, which allows you to paste text from word.

    Kyle :)
